Lee Judge, for crying out loud. The guy's a left winger to be sure, and I don't agree with him much, but he's a really good editorial cartoonist. I've long hoped I could ever do something that pissed him off badly enough he'd do a cartoon with me in it. My friend Rich Nadler had that honor and savored it. And I've always been jealous of it, and now it appears that even if I buy a steel mill and bust the union that I'll never, ever see a Judge cartoon showing how evil I am.
And while that's a shame, the front page of the paper today is far worse. Just last night, I was referring to the Obama team as the Butt Trust, a term I borrowed from Jonathan Lethem (Motherless Brooklyn, one of the great contemporary novels).

Thing is, I thought Brain Trust originally referred to FDR's evil and inept cronies. The people who took a severe recession and created a Great Depression, meanwhile creating a template for government to grow out of control no matter what party is in charge. Those fuckers are a lot of the reason we're in the mess we're in right now.
But, getting my Wiki on, I find that it was originally coined in 1901, and was meant sarcastically to refer to the General Command Staff of FDR's cousin, Teddy Roosevelt.
It was an insult.
I guess it was, if you wanted to know the truth, in FDR's day, though I doubt the people using the term then were any more aware of the irony than the (most likely entry-level and inexpensive) idiots who came up with the Scar's headline today.
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