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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cookin' the Rockets

Well, my application of Z-Poxy finishing resin was still tacky to the touch after 24 hours, so what to do?

I figured one choice was to hit it with talc and start sanding. Reapply talc as needed.

Or I could wait and see if just extra time hardened the resin. Maybe it just takes longer to cure at cooler temperatures like my garage features these days.

I tried wiping things down with alcohol since alcohol will clean epoxy while it's still 'wet,' but the tackiness didn't leave the surface.

And it wasn't extremely tacky, just enough you noticed.

But heat is what cures the resin in the chemical reaction with the hardener. So maybe some heat? From a space heater?

It seems to be working, once a part of a rocket gets medium hot to the touch, the surface gets glassy smooth and hard.

I was told I might want to worry about ventilation, but my garage is so drafty I doubt I could commit suicide by leaving my car on in there.

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