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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Got Me

When I was a kid, we vacationed in the Black Hills one summer. Did a lot of cave tours, I recall.

In one cave, they had us sit on benches, then turned out the lights so we could experience the absolute darkness of the cave.

Then our guide said there was an experiment he wanted to do, and we all needed to extend one of our legs. So I did. Then he asked us to put our right thumb on the tip of our nose, and I did. Then he said we should wiggle our fingers and see what we saw.

I started wiggling my fingers and he turned on the light.

I was the only one who fell for it.

Anyway, my boss the other day asked me if I was following Mars. He had a photocopied newspaper article about how Mars was going to be closer to earth than it had been in 5,000 years, and that on August 27th it would actually be as big as the moon. It was already close, he told me, but every time I remembered to go out and look of an evening it was cloudy or I couldn't even find the moon or whatever.

I thought I'd spied it one night, but then I decided it was the moon, just a harvest moon a bit orangey.

I went out looking again tonight and found nothing. So I Googled to see what I could find and discovered the whole thing is a hoax. The newspaper clipping was a print of an email, an urban myth he'd gotten chain-mailed to him. Total crap.

I even tried to borrow a good camera and lens from my friend Julie to try and capture the event.

Why does this always happen to me?

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