So we did cheeseburgers on the grill at my daughters' request. Smallish burgers, and the 93/7, the leanest I could find. I really let them have it with the rolling pin, trying to get a cooked patty that covers the bun but keep within a 4oz serving of meat.
They were so thin, in fact, that one of them developed a hole while it cooked.

So the slab of tomato on my burger was actually more substantial than the patty. It was perfect. A little onion, pickle, bleu cheese dressing.

Then, since the girls don't believe me that tomatoes are edible, I polished off the rest of this monster tomato.
Not Really Stealing Your Mail from Chixulub on Vimeo.
So then we took the Ministry of Altitude fleet (which badly needs some repairs and replacement stock) to the Purple Park. I put the ÜberTubester Chixulubster up on a D21-7. Those composite motors are amazing (amazingly expensive, too, I'm making the handful I bought this spring last the summer). On a C6 (the most potent black powder motor that will fit it), this rocket just barely gets the laundry thrown out before touching down. It's so underpowered it borders on being unsafe. On a D21, which is the same size but a different type of fuel, it's an absolute whiplash. I almost managed to track it going up with the camera. Almost.

Sorry for the completely random soundtrack. I was searching for a tune to set this evening's launches to, searching in part for a track of the proper length. Or, that failing, a track that could be edited for a fitting excerpt. But searching by length, I came up with Stealing People's Mail, a Dead Kennedys masterpiece that somehow struck me as appropriate. When Em was taking piano lessons (in First Grade), it was one of the tracks on the mix we listened to on the way to and from the lessons. I know, I should be ashamed or shot or something for playing DK to a six year old, but at least I explained that I Kill Children was not meant to be a serious song.

She loved California Über Alles, as a matter of fact. So Em has known from an early age that the only good Kennedy is a Dead Kennedy.
Relax, you. It's a joke. I would never actually advocate making another martyr from that clan of degenerates.

Anyway, after recovering ÜberTubester Chixulubster, I noticed some damage. This could have happened from taking a hard landing, though it's never failed to open its 'chute that I recall. Or maybe there was a little bit of stress to the tubing from a hard landing and the sudden and massive thrust of that D21 motor did the rest of the damage. In any case, the rocket is officially retired. I'll probably build another similar ship and build it with a 24mm motor mount so I can fly it on cheap black powder D motors.
And of course Mo did her sidewalk chalk thing. It wouldn't be the Purple Park without it.
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