A good time was had by all.
Good friends, good beer, good food, how could it be any other way?

Mo had a particularly good time with the parrot toy. It's the perfect union: a kid with echolalia talking to a toy with echolalia. Every time it repeated her words (and laughter) back to her was funnier than the time before, at least to judge by her reactions which became almost alarmingly manic before it was all over.

And a great mystery: I've had plenty of friends who never wanted to have kids. When they're at a party where kids are present, they do their best to pretend the children aren't really there. Some seem to struggle with fear and hostility at the sheer presence of honyocks.

But I have one friend who's never wanted a kiddos and yet every time she's around them, she drops down to their level and obviously enjoys them. I guess it's the 'when you know you can give them back' factor.

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