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Monday, July 12, 2010

50% Chances

There was a 50% chance of rain on the Trek Recovery Ride when I checked

And they nailed it: it was 50% raining throughout the ride. Which is to say, we felt a few drops, and set out, and it didn't rain for awhile, and when it did, it was a very half-assed sort of rain. A 50% rain.

Come ride with me tomorrow night. We'll meet (even if I am everyone who counts in 'we') at the Merriam Farmer's Market, and do a bit of a hill ride. I'm burned out on Eastern JoCo and need a change. This goes out 55th to Pflumn, south to Midland and out to Renner, back from 99th on Pflumn for more undulations, grabbing the Greatest Hits of Caenen and Switzer before descending in glory down Johnson Drive to the Farmer's Market.

23 miles or so, and you don't have to be fast because lord knows I'm not. I plan to roll at 6:30, y'all come.

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