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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Crusty the Snowman (Don't Give Him Any Money!)

Crusty the Snowman was a low-rent sort of dude,
With a dog-bowl hat and lava-rock eyes,
and some gnarly tattoos carved in his icy hide with a stick...

We finally got to make a snowman, with all the snowfall we've had this year it's about damn time.

I didn't get my leaves up this fall, so the ball of snow was never going to really be clean. We did our best, but no matter, Crusty ended up looking dirty.

Em's friends from up the street helped with finishing touches, and they wanted Crusty to smoke a cigar or something. A stick anyway, and hey, why shouldn't a snowman smoke? He'll melt before he gets cancer and I doubt his mattress would catch fire.

In various versus of the song, Crusty may have recently been in jail, and whatever the sordid details you know he's made his Momma cry more than once.

The kids' improvised verses for the tune were shockingly depraved for a group of eight to twelve year old kids. When I chimed in with a verse about Crusty deciding to make homemade meth and ending up blowing up his trailer — Em reprimanded me for being 'inappropriate.' Even though she and her pals had him doing all the other Stranger Danger stuff...

1 comment:

Sid Leavitt said...

Great post. Save it for your 'Best of ...' anthology.