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Friday, January 04, 2008

Makes More Sense Than a Caucus

I've been emailing with an old classmate from high school, and the conversation got me thinking about what the queers are doing to the soil...well, okay, it got me thinking about the Dead Milkmen, one of the top two coolest punk bands ever.*

I was kind of buffeted today in my car by the NPR coverage of the Iowa Caucus. If Obama had been white, I think it would have been worse, almost like another 9/11 for the NPR cast, Hillary coming in third.

But Obama is impossible to not like. I like him. I don't want him to be President, but then, I don't want anyone to be President. Bad idea.

Huckabee, I find myself not liking him. I'm all for getting rid of the income tax, but to think of 'replacing it' is absurd. The U.S. Government does not spend money with receipts of the treasury. They just spend money. It makes absolutely no difference how much money comes in from taxation. It makes no difference what party is in power: the Republicans who made a 'contract with America' now spend more profligately than the Democrats they ran out ever dreamed to.

Get me a candidate who will just get rid of the income tax, no replacement, no equal and opposing evil to offset this, that's a candidate you can tip your hat to. Because if the government does not care how much or how little it gains from taxation, why does it do it? Social engineering is why. And social engineering is like witchcraft: it doesn't work, and if it did, it would only make things worse.

*The other member of the top two being the Dead Kennedys. Turns out you have to have death in your name to stand the test of time. Who knew?

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