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Monday, January 14, 2008

Pizza Party!

As part of Em's birthday sleepover, I made pizza for the incredibly loud honyocks.

When quizzing one of the guest's mothers, I learned that one of the three kids coming was into pineapple on pizza. This is new territory for me, and you have to reach to find that in the culinary world. So of course, I had to go there.

What about shrimp? I asked. Well, she'd never had shrimp on pizza, but she likes shrimp.

And hey, who doesn't? I mean, I've known Jews who couldn't pass up shrimp, Kosher laws be damned.

I made a prosciutto-black olive-Alfredo pie for Em. And me, it's a pie I like, too. Then I made a half plain cheese (for the less adventurous sibling set who was the rest of the guest list), and half shrimp/pineapple. Red sauce on this pie, uncharacteristic for me, but try to run too many new things up a child's flagpole and don't be surprised if there's no salute. We're already on homemade crusts, so don't push it, buddy.

For the third pie, I was thinking mainly of me and Mo. She loves pepperoni and I like it. But pepperoni pizza tends to be so greasy, blech. I fixed that wagon, though: I sweated the pepperoni for two minutes in the microwave layered with paper towels. The resulting pepperoni was used quite liberally without creating that oily regret a pepperoni pizza can become.

Well, and I put mushrooms and green peppers on that pie to boot.

The half and half pizza almost backfired on me, though: I put the shrimp and pineapple on top in the one half, not counting on the juices that would come out and sit on the cheese. Juices which went, unbidden, to the plain cheese side of the pie, threatening the uniform blandness a 'cheese pizza' fan demands. Plus, these honyocks are getting bigger, so much so you can't rely on them having one piece of pizza and being full.


Anonymous said...

I am impressed almost speechless, except to say that I am inspired by the mayonnaise. Except that I run 40 miles a week so I prefer to eat butter, but others don't run or like butter, I know. It all looks good enough to eat.

Autumn said...

How in the world have you gone this many years without trying pineapple on pizza? My absolute childhood favorite, like peanut butter and honey sammiches. :)