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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Route

So I've been taking I-35 to I-435 to Wornall for about four months now and I'm finally varying my route.

The thing with the highway during the so-called 'rush' hour is it's got a nasty way of becoming 'sit there with the thumb up your ass wondering if we'll ever move again' hour.

The side streets have stoplights and lower speed limits, but less gridlock.

My first alternate that involved 87th worked great until I didn't jog over to 83rd where it forks. Then I ran into a series of 'oh shit I can't turn left here' and 'when did they close this road' turning points that made me 15 minutes later than I would have probably been if I'd taken the old interstate-intensive path.

Today, at least, nothing went wrong. It only took me an hour to get to work, which is to say 'meet the new commute, same as the old commute.'

I need a Zeppelina.

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