Yep, as you might have gathered from my last post, I bribed my inner child into doing the yard work with a camera to replace the one Mo broke last week.

I know, in the hunter-gatherer sense, I don't need a camera, but I was getting junk sick.

After a lot of eBay browsing and hemming and hawing, I went to a camera shop that does printing with my employer and found a deal too good to pass up. Basically, I found the camera I wanted, then stepped back to the pocket-camera version of it, then stepped back another $300 and ended up with more or less my old camera. Half again the megapixels, but basically the same camera with the same controls and zoom and all that.

At least I know what I'm getting, eh? I just have to make sure Mo doesn't drop it face down while it's open and on.

I didn't have my favorite subject to shoot (my daughters), so I went and shot pics at Navy Park, and some other places. I took Lilith with me, took some pictures of her, too.

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