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Saturday, May 01, 2010

Tomatosaurus Rex Embryos

Finally picked up the plants from Mr. Worley today.

I got a couple of the Micro Tom plants, the only determinate varieties, I think, in this whole mess. They'll get to be about half a foot high and deliver blueberry sized fruits. Since they don't have to transplant (I'll keep them in the planters they came in), and since they don't get big, I'm told I might have a few fruits off the one that's flowering by the end of the month.

The others, after transplanting, mulching, and staking them, I'll be pinching off any flowers for a few weeks to encourage robust vine growth.

These indeterminate (meaning they grow as long as the weather allows) include Carbon, Tom's Yellow Wonder, Mortgage Lifter, Kellogg's Breakfast, Stupice, Black Krim, Gigant Pelina, Cherokee Purple, Aunt Ruby's German Green, Opalka, Limmony, Beam's Yellow Pear, Aussie, Mr. Stripey (aka Tigarella), Isis Candy and Paul Robeson.

To go with these tomatoes, I've got a Kung Pao Hybrid pepper plant, as well as one each of California Wonder, Habanero, Lilac Sweet Pepper, Jalapeño M and Thai Hot.

I also have four types of basil, Thai Magic, Siam Queen, Purple Stem Thai and Sweet Italian. All of which smell incredible.

While I waited for the grill to be ready to cook on, I added some sand to my beds. This was sand I bought to fill speaker stands that turned out to be solid wood, no way to fill them. The bags have been in my garage for a couple years now, and I figured I might as well add them to the mix to help make sure the soil drains well. With a little luck, tomorrow I can work on breaking the dirt up and mixing the sand in a bit more.

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