Mo's vocal music concert was tonight, and despite being held in a gymnasium and being, honestly, too long, it was amazing.
The Feebster is a miracle worker. He gets more out of the kids, the audience, everything than any choir director I've ever seen. He picks better material and wrings more out of it. He's creative, energetic, I'll bet he's one of those teachers people will remember 30 years after they had him, when these kids are grandparents going to their grandchildren's vocal music concerts.

And the vocal music teachers their grandkids have will probably pale in comparison because truly most teachers do.
Having a concert in a gym makes about as much sense as trying to play a basketball game on an auditorium stage. I think the reason they did it was this was everyone from 5th through 8th grades and there was no way to fit it in the auditorium. Would I have broken it into two shows and put it in the auditorium? You betcha, but the Feebster does so many other things more than right it makes up for it.
It was a Disney themed show, with some of the kids coming in leftover Halloween costumes ranging from the candlestick in Beauty and the Beast to Pocahontas, and everything in between. The Feebster donning Mickey Wizard for the finale.

The other thing that sucks about doing it in the gym, it's even harder to get good photos when your camera is as limited as mine.

Also got to see some family I haven't seen much of since they technically quit being family. What's the term for an ex in law? Former Mother In Law, former Brother In Law, former Brother in Law's second wife and the adorable twins that would be my niece and nephew if I were still married to the artist formerly known as Frau Lobster. In this crazy, Springer world, there ought to be a term that fits these relationships. No, my marriage didn't work out for the best, but that doesn't really interfere with me thinking of these former 'in law' relatives as family.

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