My Mom's neighbor has this dog he's supposedly watching for his son who's serving in Afghanistan. My skepticism comes because this neighbor's other dog is one he started by watching while his son was serving in Korea (if memory serves). And that dog is going to die of old age any minute now, it's been that long.
The son, who's about my age, is career military and gets sent all over hell's half acre, often to places that apparently don't allow pets.

I never realized how big bloodhounds are. Or that they could be aggressive. According to the Wiki I just scanned, they're supposed to be gentle, but this big, drooling idiot is spoiling for a fight and terrorizing the neighborhood.
He's got a record of getting out and behaving so aggressively the cops have been out. And the cop who was out, from what I hear, never put his taser away, the dog was that spooky.

The dog was yelling at me (again) as I prepared for my ride this afternoon and I got the idea that maybe I could befriend him the way Jack Nicholson did that dog in 'As Good As It Gets.'
I had a handful of cashews, and the dog did back off a little when I approached and started chucking them at him. He didn't want to catch them, but he sniffed around on the ground picked them up and then dropped them. He even let one bounce off his forehead, but he didn't eat any. Then he renewed his charging the fence with his heckles up, and standing on the fence, scowling, barking and foaming at the mouth.

Maybe I needed bacon to turn the trick, or maybe this dog is just an asshole of a bloodhound.
Tell you what, though, this dog isn't as scary as some I've met, but I'd hate to have him tracking me if I was on the lam.
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