I had the impression, looking out the bedroom window this past week, that my garden wasn't really growing. The grass was getting taller, but the plants I actually like seemed to be about the same as when I transplanted them back on Mother's Day.

A closer inspection, allowed by the sun finally coming out of retirement, shows my tomatoes and whatnot are taller and have more leaves than they did. The basil plants, especially the Italian Sweet, are notably taller and leafier.

And one of my Micro Tom tomatoes is bearing fruit. Still green fruit, but fruit. Bigger and more abundant than I'd have expected on such a tiny plant.

And more: I have my first casualty of the season, a green Micro Tom that either hosted a worm of some kind or was expertly hollowed out by a bird, I'm not sure which.

Some of the other tomatoes were sporting blooms, which I pinched off. I was told to do this by Worley for the first couple weeks so the plants have to channel their energy into foliage production first. I guess the idea is the plants need to grow up a bit more before they start making babies.

1 comment:
That basil can be harvested and eaten now. Just cut off the top 1/3 of the plant and the plant will grow more leaves.
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