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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Walk for Autism

I know a woman on my street, divorced Mom to two autistic kiddos. Apparently she doesn't have enough to do with herself, because she organized this.

Something like 4600 people walking for Autism Speaks. So my neighbor got all this going, rounded up volunteers and sponsors and vendors and delegated to volunteers and so on, and I managed to pester one person for a contribution to the cause.

Pitiful, I know. But I did go walk with the team organized by a family friend. So did the artist formerly known as Frau Lobster, which means so did our honyocks.

I was under the impression that 'walking around the Kansas Speedway' meant we'd be walking on the track. So I was surprised to hear the roar of stock cars running around the track as I approached the throng of walkers.

And as with the fat joke about how when I sit around the house I really sit around the house, it turned out we really walked around the Kansas Speedway.

Which is a hike, but doable.

Also ran into an old friend who also has an impacted kid. She's started a local publication specifically geared to the subject. Sadly, it's a publication we really need.

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