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Monday, July 07, 2008

Complicated Kite

When I first tried to take the girls to the pool today, I wasn't surprised to meet with resistance from Em.  That's par for the course, but Mo didn't want to go either.

And Mo loves the pool.  I couldn't figure it.

It seemed windy enough, so we tried the Purple Park with sidewalk chalk and the most complicated kite I've bought so far.  It was a cheapie from Harbor Freight, but nice enough.

But once I figured out how to assemble it, it turned out to need winds a lot more consistent than what we had.  It wasn't much of a climber, and winds at the surface level were fickle.  I'd get it up in the air and then it would get unceremoniously dropped.

By the time we got back in the car, hot and sweaty, Mo as asking to go swimming.  Since that was my original plan anyway, I obliged.

Though when we got there, Mo didn't want to do anything.  'Chair,' she said and led me to a picnic table.  Asking her what the heck she wanted, offering her the lazy river, the water slides, the regular pool, etc., she said something that started with a 'sh' sound and included a couple of 'ch' sounds.  I asked her if she was trying to say 'seizure,' and she said 'yes.'

I asked her if she was going to have a seizure and she said yes.  But then when I asked her if she felt funny, if she felt a seizure coming on, she said 'no' and I wasn't sure what to make of it.

I figured the lazy river was safe enough: I'm on the same innertube with her.  And I wasn't sure if I was getting the straight dope or not, so we got on the river.  About five laps into it, she shouted 'Go home!'  I asked way and she made that same awkward combination of syllables that I think may translate as 'seizure.'  So I decided to quit pushing my luck and head out.

She was in a good enough mood, and as far as I know at this writing has not had a seizure to fulfill this dubious prediction.  Hopefully she won't: I'd prefer she was wrong or even bullshitting me.

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