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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Beer Run

I fell out when I stumbled on this. Made me think of the time (many, many years ago) when me and my then boss were in St. Louis and ran out of beer after hours. We decided to make a run to East St. Louis where there were 24 hour boozeterias. This was a mistake, though it could have turned out much, much worse.

Should have been a clue when the liquor store wouldn't let us in. There was a drive-though with a bandit-barrier turnstile made of bullet resistant Lexan. They were open for sales 24 hours a day, but apparently never open in the sense of letting you walk in like a customer.

1 comment:

Sid Leavitt said...

I'd heard about Todd Snider, mostly because of that Bush song, 'You Got Away With It,' a couple of years back (he plays some real nice bass lines on it). But 'Beer Run' is the best. And I wonder who lazyboy0172 is. Great video.
