We went to church this morning, the same rock & roll church I went to Christmas Eve. My bro goes there, and he tried to get me to try this months ago, but I didn't really believe I could leave Mo in any kind of Sunday School scene and have it work.

It's why Em identifies so much with the film Benny & Joon: 'she paints, she reads, she lights things on fire.' Not that Mo ever set a fire, but when you think about turning her over to strangers for something like an hour, you wonder if you'll have to wonder if you're setting yourself up for it.

I explained about Mo to one small-group leader, then to the one it turned out she'd be with. Who turned out to have a brother with similar (and apparently more severe) problems, so she understood pretty quick what was up.
They did come get me at one point, where Mo wasn't settling down and getting the 'structure' of the scene. Well, honestly, it was pretty unstructured at that point, I'm not sure I would have 'gotten' that they were trying to transition things at Mo's age. But once she got it, she did great, doing the motions of the group, sitting when the others did, and so on.

I ended up catching the majority of the speaker, something I really figured I only had a 10% shot at going in.
Then bro took us to lunch at Jason's Deli. Which is awesome, I highly recommend it if you're going to eat out. It's much better food than 'fast food,' and it's much more reasonable than the typical bar & grill type thing. Better food, overall, than the typical bar & grill, come to think of it.

From there, we came home and Mo did Legos, videos, painted with the paints Grandma Mary got her for Christmas, played with Legos some more, etc.

She's in bed, and I'm not sure I'm that far behind. The ball will drop whether I stay up to see it or not. But if Mo gets up at 4:20 like she did yesterday morning, I should be out by now.