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Saturday, September 06, 2008

Another Trip to the Moon

I was aiming for the Apple Festival at the Grintner house, but it was still raining when we got there, and Moon Marble is close by. And it has a roof.

P.J. O'Rourke once said that even someone with the heart of a foreign correspondent had to like some place, and for him that place was Paraguay. Apparently Moon Marble is the same sort of Kryptonite to Em's pre-teen rage at being related to a goombah like me.

We got there too late to see a marble being made. They close at 3:00 on Saturday and we didn't get there until 2:00.

They had a particularly interesting line of action figures on offer this trip. Vincent Van Gogh, with interchangeable heads (one with and one without the ear). Marie Antoinette with an 'ejector' head. Freud, Mozart, Moses, Ben Franklin, Casanova, etc.

I looked at a couple of large handmade marbles, though with no real intent to buy. I'd love to, but it's just more than I can possibly afford at this juncture in life. $175 for the rainbow swirly; $250 for the clear one with the swirl air bubble.

That's a lot of disposable income to need, though having watched a few being made, I know it took some serious time as well as some serious skill to pull these off.

More skill than it would take, I'm sure, to design a yodeling pickle. But somebody did exactly that.

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