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Sunday, December 30, 2007


Okay, so I might put Floyd on display in January. The club gets a set of shelves at the Trails West Library (wherever that is) to promote the hobby.

Mr. Creosote, definitely. Punk Rocket Girl, probably. ÜberTubester Chixulubster most likely.

But Floyd is huge. I'll have to see what the space situation is, whether I'll display him or not. But he loosened a fin on his first landing, and I hadn't gotten around to repairing it. So I put a bunch of CA glue on the crack and wiggled the fin what little it would move to work the glue in.

How strong and fast-setting is the CA glue? Well, the knife I used to cut off the tip so it would flow, it stayed where it was when I was done with it.

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