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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Not So Cute

When your autistic kid has adopted 'yip' and 'not' as alternatives to saying 'yes' and 'no, thank you,' it's cute. Especially when she's excited about saying yes to something and starts up, 'Yip-yip-yip-yip-yip. Yip-yip-yip-yip-yip,' real fast.

See also waking you up in the morning by belly-flopping onto your unsuspecting, sleeping form with all the grace of a sack of cement.

When your 'typical' kid lays in a puddle of melted snow because she was double-dog-dared to, that's cute, too. See also adopting pet rocks from the yard and 'feeding' them.

But when the typical kid forgets and leaves her glasses in the shower and the autistic kid decides to spend her shower making minimalist sculpture out of Sissy's glasses, not so cute.

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