This is Mo Thursday evening after a seven minute seizure. We have a neurology appointment coming up in a few days, hopefully the good doctor will have a plan for how we can stop having these sorts of evenings.
I might have seen the seizure coming: the night before (my house), she got up at 3:30 for the day. Not fun, but not the worst (the worst was the time she was done sleeping at 12:30 when I was finally trying to go to bed).

I went (she was with her mother when it happened) to give moral support, help keep her occupied while things dragged on. Usually, her postictal snooze is over before the hospital is ready to let her go. Not because they can do much for her, but because touching base with the neurologist on call or doing blood work (when she was on meds that could be measured by blood levels) and so on are things that move as glacially as I-435 during rush hour.

This one had her zonked pretty good, though. She woke up enough for them to wheelchair her out.
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