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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My Snow Blade, 'Tis of Thee...

There's some Public Works crap behind the American Legion Beer Hall I vote at. Apparently, a city worker has way too much time (and patriotism) for his own good.

Meanwhile, a coworker asked me if I voted. The conversation that ensued, well, it reminded me of my American Government required civics course in 12th grade:

A chick who sat by me in that class (back when Ronald Regan was President, and come to think of it, when this coworker was probably barely out of diapers) asked me a question one day.

'Are there any Democrats in the House of Representatives?'

Uh, yeah? This was 1988, so the Dems had controlled the House for forty plus years. I told her so, and she asked, 'Then why do they still call it the House of Repesentatives?

Representative, Republican, whatever, right?


Steve H said...

that's a pretty sad conversation. my 6 year old knows more about civics (and actually worked at a polling place yesterday!)

Fancy Dirt said...

I was tempted to ask something stupid like, was she blond? but, I'm blond. Then I started wondering what she might be doing today. I decided the best plan for that girl would to become a trophy wife. It is the hands down long shot, but I'm feeling lucky today. Did I win?

kimmyk said...

Fancy took the words right out of my mouth.

So was she a blonde?

You didn't like take her to prom or anything didja?? LOL!

Chixulub said...

Neither my former classmate nor my current coworker are blonde. Both are brunettes, but what's more, stunningly good looking.

So is it being pretty that makes someone foggy about the names of the two major political parties?

The coworker asked me how I voted and I said Libertarian when I can. She said she was a liberal, too. I'm like, Not Really The Same Thing. I mean, I'm liberal as hell if you take a 1910 definition of the term.

I tried to explain this briefly but gave up. It would have taken more time and more patience than either of us had to even get the poor girl up to speed on a basic glossary of modern politics.

I can't say she's worse off for being completely clueless in this area. She knows a lot about textiles and fabric arts, which is probably a better thing to fill your head with.

My former classmate, I don't recall she knew much about anything. She's probably a trophy wife or ex-trophy wife by now.

Anonymous said...

