Search Lobsterland

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I work with a guy who is the guy who rides up the shoulder of the highway at 110 mph while you're stuck in traffic. He's my age, but when it comes to motorcycles, he's 17. Despite, by his own admission, having attended approaching a dozen funerals for friends who do exactly what he does.

So I spot this wrapped RV in front of the Trek Store last night and I thought, I bet Worm knows that guy.

I pulled up some videos online and it only confirmed that Worm couldn't not know the guy at least distantly.

'Yeah, he's one of my buds,' he said. I think he said his pal is ranked near the top or at the top nationally.

Meaning he's the Bull Goose Loony I guess. I only asked, He knows the handlebars aren't where you're supposed to sit, right?

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