But I had to create the logo. The idea for the name and logo was so strong I may have to start a second band (assuming I can find another bassist and drummer) just to use it.
Or maybe I'll build a rocket and call it the Foolkiller. Probably should anyway. Too much trouble to write a novel to use the title.
The bassist's two-year-old, hearing dinner conversation about movies (with expletives deleted and all that) asked me point-blank if I was talking about violence. Yeah, a band logo that incorporates a skull and a death reference, I might as well suggest we call ourselves the Reagan Youth.
Plus, part of me doesn't even want to settle on a name because then we don't get to come up with cool names. Like Jackrabbit Parole. Or some of my other ideas:
Torture the Artist
Geronimo Rex
The Monkey Wrench Gang
Parliament of Whores
Jennifer Government
Tumble Home
How to Lose Friends and Alienate People
Axis of Drivel
Apples & Onions
Pull My Finland
Ministry of Silly Walks
Argument Clinic
Dead Parrot
The Meaning of Life
Mr. Creosote
Marathon for Incontinents
And Now For Something Completely Different
Crunchy Raw Unboned Real Dead Frog
This Band Will Save Your Life
None of these names will likely be adopted. I was probably lucky just to get Vertigo included in the first eight songs we selected for our creepy, unwanted touches.
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