So I made Sweet Potato Pies for Christmas. These are very different from the ones I made at Thanksgiving. Those ended up tasting more like spice cake than any kind of pie. They were good, but I couldn't prove in court they had any sweet potatoes in them.

Taking the advice of a friend, who told me sweet potato was way too delicate to treat like pumpkin, I eliminated two spices, the ginger & cloves. I cut the cinnamon and nutmet in half, too.

I upped the butter but just a bit. I baked the yams in the conventional oven while I wrapped presents Christmas Eve to cook more water out. The extra half stick of butter took the place of water I hoped I had shed baking the potatoes on a bed of rock salt instead of microwaving them.

I was going for more of a custard style pie this time. The one thing I forgot, again, was to buy brown sugar. I normally have it around but this is the second time I've reached for it only to realize I didn't buy it again.

Here's the recipe:
2 lbs baked sweet potato, mashed
3 sticks softened butter
5 oz. can evaporated milk
3 eggs
2 egg yolks
2-1/2 cups sugar
1 tsp. lemon extract
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
I mashed the sweet potatoes and butter together and started mixing with the hand mixer. I added the ingredients and blended each until it was thoroughly incorporated. Then I filled two frozen pie shells with the stuff and baked at 350ºF for an hour.

It's a step in the right direction. I need to try it with brown sugar and maybe play with the egg/yolk combination to try and get the consistency I want. That, and I need to quit being lazy and using frozen crusts: I should be making my own from scratch.

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