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Tuesday, December 16, 2008


It took me an hour and a half to get to work this morning thanks to the weather.

Em's choir concert was cancelled, and so was my chiropractor appointment (no way I'd have made it on time).

It took me another hour and a half to get about half way home, at which point I was by the exit for an AMC theater. A $5 weeknight movie. And I had the money that was supposed to pay for dinner the night before, money that turned out to be no good for that.

I worried that I wouldn't find a movie I wanted to see. Last chance I got to sneak one in I honestly couldn't find a listing I'd spend the time on, let alone a ticket price.

Today there were a couple. Wouldn't have minded seeing the earth stand still or Rachel going out of rehab and into the fire. But there was Milk.

Okay, I know I'm at odds with the people I go to church with when I say this, but really, gay isn't a choice. There is nothing you could do or offer that would make me lustfully take a penis into my mouth. In fact, the men kissing men in this movie honestly grossed me out.

And that's why 'gay' is a civil rights issue. You can't choose to be gay any more than I can choose to be black. Your religion says it's an abomination? Good for you, go sit with the Muslims who won't let women drive in Saudi Arabia for the same reason. From a government standpoint, a marriage license is just a contract for a domestic relationship. Your religion, no matter how true, doesn't enter into it. Am I grossed out by public displays of homosexual affection? Sure, but who hasn't seen a straight couple that needs to just get a room?

Anyway, good movie. A bit long, and a bit preachie, but a good movie.

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