Been way too long since I made pizzas. When it was hot out this summer, I basically avoided using the oven most of the time, but the weather moderated and I kept fixin' to make pizza instead of actually making it.

I made a little less dough this time. The recipe I copped from Cooking Light calls for 3/4 cup water and 2-1/2 cups flour (along with the requisite 2 tsp. yeast, and in their recipe honey, though I use a couple teaspoons white sugar—honey sounds nice, but I know from my zymurgical adventures that honey can be tricky to ferment. I suppose the dilution of the dough makes it work, but white sugar produces plenty of CO2 to raise your crust, too.)

Last few times I'd doubled their batch, because it produces way too thin a crust for my taste. I like those big, pillowy handles, and I've even experimented with stuffed crusts. But I didn't want a fargon loaf of bread rimming the pies this time, so I tried to come up with about half again, a splash over a cup, maybe 1-1/8 to 1-1/4 cup of water, 3-ish cups flour, etc.

About right, but no pillows, just enough dough to cover the pan and ramp up the edges. I need to split the difference between this and the überpillows version.

I made an Alfredo-black olive for the girls, and some sort of supremo thing for me.

The supremo was topped with Alfredo sauce, minced garlic, sautéed onions, fresh sliced mushrooms, green bell pepper, whole black olives, and anchovies. Majorly comestible.

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