Pumpkin carving plus decorating Halloween cookies and cup cakes. Which is to say painting some frosting on the cup cakes and then licking it off. Or that's how Mo decorated hers.

We'd left the Nelson premature and had some time to kill in the neighborhood, and it's one I'd like to move to.
I'd have to have a lot of fixes done to the house I'm in to sell it with any hope of coming out ahead, and I can't really afford the neighborhood in question at the moment anyway, but you can dream, right?

The houses are older, but cute as a button. Since I hate yard work, small yards are no liability. And these would be close to work. We stopped in at an open house, and it was a joint that would totally work for me if I was to experience some sort of six figure windfall to use as a down payment.

Em has already staked out what room would be hers despite my telling her repeatedly that this was only to get an idea of what cost what. You pay a lot for curb appeal in this neighborhood and the house we looked at was drenched in curb appeal.
So by the time we actually got to the party, Em has decided we're practically neighbors.

This is why I never tell her about the rare occasions I go on dates. When I'm at the point of thinking, 'This is someone I'd like to know better, maybe I can get a phone number and last name,' she's thinking, 'This is my new Step-Mom.'

Anyway, we cut up pumpkins. Mo had fun gutting hers, and after she'd drawn the face on it, I gave her a bit of hand-over-hand assistance to cut out the shapes she'd drawn.

When we were done, we took the Sleepy Hollow shot and there was a game of Mafia. Except by then Mo was tired and cranky, so we made an early exit.
I'd show you our jack-o-lanterns lit, but I left the tea lights at our hostess's house and I turn out to be out of such things.
Still, carving them was so much fun I might go get more pumpkins for us to carve on Halloween like we did last year. Roast the seeds, too.
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