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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Kickball: Let The Healing Begin

I've been volunteering with Youth Friends for seven years. As a kid who crossed the 'picked last' boundary to being told that an even number of players were selected for each team and I could suck an egg, kickball is just one of the sports (all of them) I feel at odds playing.

But when me and my Youthfriend joined a game, the teacher announced it would be simply boys against girls. I was not only automatically on a team, but which team had been decided back in 1969 when I was an 'unborn baby.'

I had as good a chance as anyone at booting one into the gymnasium wall or folded bleachers (a home run), and despite the fact that one line drive was caught directly by a four foot girl, as if I'd been playing 'catch' with her, a boy on the Y-Chromosome team commented that I played well 'for someone my age.' By 'my age' he meant 'old.'

My muscles are sore, but I had the kind of genuine good time playing that eluded me as a child.

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