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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Independence Day

Going to fireworks two nights in a row was my idea. Partly because Mo loves them so much, partly because I do, too.

Corinna's contribution was to suggest we go swimming. Not at the pool, which would have cost $15 for the three of us to get in and required us to wear swimsuits, but in a lake where Max could join us and we could just wear clothes.

I was dubious, but Corinna was more than dubious about the fireworks and ended up enjoying them. Last time I took Mo to Hillsdale Lake, I was still married to the artist formerly known as Frau Lobster.

Inquiring about pet friendly beaches did manage to cost us money, as the ranger asked us if we'd paid and we hadn't. I honestly didn't know you were supposed to pay to just be there, I figured that was a camping fee.

I wasn't sure Mo was digging it, but then she found this log to sit on, and there were dragonflies sitting on it, and if she rocked one way the log went under and they jumped up and hovered; when she let it come back up, they landed on it again. She enjoyed this game (and trying to throw water on them) for upwards of an hour. My ex told me later that when asked what the most awesome animal in the world was, Mo had answered 'Dragonfly.'

With 20/20 hindsight, Max's flea situation wasn't helped by a swim in the lake a day after his latest flea dip.

We set out to walk to the fireworks. Which gave me a chance to read the mobile bumper sticker based library of political science a neighbor of mine has on display.

And that was all fine until we were almost there and Mo dropped her spotted bear. We'd gotten ice cream at the gas station, and at first I thought she'd dropped him from paying too much attention to the ice cream sandwich, but no.

She was having a seizure. A driver who obviously had plenty of medical training was instantly on us, and her husband on the 9-11 and we barely had Mo lowered the concrete with her stuffed animal as a pillow when I heard the sirens. They were only a quarter mile away, at the stadium for the fireworks, so the response time was superhuman.

Speaking of superhuman, Corinna's initial reaction was that she'd carry Mo in to the stadium to get to her Mom. Olympic athlete or not, by the time we lowered Mo to the ground she realized that carrying a person who outweighs you and can't help is no small beer.

The original plan was she'd go back to her Mom's from the fireworks, but Mom was there pretty instantly to just go ahead and take her home. Physically, she was fine. I was disappointed mostly that she missed the fireworks, because I know how much she enjoys them and it's not like they'll redo them the next day because someone was postictal.

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