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Thursday, May 05, 2011

Easter / Announcement

We hosted an Easter dinner, the idea being, in part, to announce our engagement to be married. An announcement we didn't quite bring off as planned.

Part of me wanted to hold off on this announcement because we don't have a date yet. The spirit is willing, but I have an enormous financial albatross around my neck and I wouldn't want to bring something like that into the union. It's one of those albatrosses that millions of other Americans found themselves with when the music stopped on the big Housing Bubble game of musical chairs.

I refinanced in the spring of 2006 in the wake of a divorce, mainly to get the house solely in my name and to get on a 30 year note to lighten the payments in my new circumstances. With timing like that, I could make it in stand up comedy.

But that's not what I started to tell you about. Me and the girl of my dreams got to host a bunch of our friends and relatives, including all my parents and my kids. Ken Braiterman was in town visiting.

Corinna put out an embarrassment of produce, fresh coconut, beets, papaya, mango, passion fruit, pineapple, hot peppers, jicama — and I don't know what-all. And a ham, mashed potatoes, that regular folk stuff.

My 'rents brought a huge salad and I made puke/pink cookies.

The cookies were conceived as a dessert, of course, but the thought was food dye to make them Eastery.

Unfortunately, all the brown sugar in the macadamia-white-chocolate-chip cookies made the neon green dye Em chose look bad. The effect was pre-digested-looking.

The pink frosting (cream cheese, butter, vanilla and confectioner's sugar) might have distracted from this bad impression or made it look worse by comparison. I don't know. They tasted good, maybe too good.

After the party, we decided to deliver most of the remaining cookies to some homeless guys we know rather than let these massive calorie-bombs sit around the house tempting us.

We also got a lot more of the fam marked on the door jamb Corinna measures people onto as a guest-book for the house. The first time I was in this kitchen, when I barely knew her, I thought this was one of the most charming things I'd ever seen: the previous owners' kids' growth accompanied by all Corinna's friends and visitors.

It all worked out, including Mo coloring like crazy in a magazine box with a bunch of (scary to trust her with sometimes) Sharpie markers.

Like I say, we kind of blew the announcement part, but we had a good food orgy

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