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Friday, March 23, 2007

Big Kite

The video I took of the big kite finally posted successfully on YouTube. I can't figure it out, but I had a video of these geese we fed the other day, and I tried twice to upload it and it would never quite finish showing up in my profile. It wasn't, as far as I could tell, too long or anything.

And when I posted the still shots of the kites, this one was still in limbo, I guess waiting for someone to decide it wasn't pornography or whatever it is YouTube does between when you upload and when it becomes visible on their deal.

Thing is, I really don't need their hosting. I have a ton of it. I think I use about 3% of the hard disk space I get with my DreamHost account. But I can never quite seem to get the videos to embed right in my blog, especially not in Firefox, which is my browser of choice.

1 comment:

kimmyk said...

I love those big kites. My friend her parents own a kite store and we use to go out and fly those big ones. The ones that take two hands to control the thingies on the side. [very technical term I know]. It's been years since we did that. They're always cool...