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Monday, March 05, 2007

That's What It Costs to Be Fucked Up For Life!

The headliner here is a bad paraphrase from the film 'Crazy People.'

Which is, by the way, a great movie.

Em is always seeing things she wants. It can be hard to explain money to a kid her age, but she kind of gets that there is a finite amount of the stuff. She'll list five things she's saving up for in the same trip she caves and splurges her meager holdings on something she'd never heard of.

Anyway, we're passing through Hall's on the way to Kaleidoscope and she spots a darling little dress. She wanted to get it, too, until I asked her to peak at the price tag.


To paraphrase a lesser film, Melanie Griffith's 'Working Girl,' WTF: it's not even leather!

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