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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

When In Doubt, Blame the Victims

Okay, I've sometimes described myself as an atheist with a crisis of a lack of a lack of faith. Christianity's intellectual arguments, believe it or not, tend to find the biggest cracks in my skeptical instincts. I've read some Christian Apologetics along with some Intelligent Design lit that definitely give me pause.

Then there's an asshead like Pat Robertson. I know Christianity is a big pool, just as not all Muslims are suicide bombing Jihadists, not all Christians will come up with notions as bizarre and stupid as this. Blaming a huge natural disaster and humanitarian crisis on a supposed deal with the devil made so long ago all participants in it (if it could have even happened, that is) are long dead, this is the stuff of the Westboro Baptist Church.

Especially when it's so obvious that the earthquake was really caused by Haiti's acquiescence to the the Metric System and calling soccer 'football.'

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