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Saturday, May 23, 2009


Went to Kaleidoscope today. They weren't doing the formal 'sessions' today they were, as the guy up front said, 'mixing it up.' Which is to say, it was just one long session the whole day. I think it was taxing on the staff, but the kids were having fun.

And I saw something interesting. They have ribbon dispensers, have as long as I've taken the kids there. The wide silver ribbon, I've seen kids make crowns out of it, I've made one myself. But I've never seen a wand or sword. And today I saw about twenty, one of which was Em's doing.

I asked a staffer and she said, yeah, you'll see things go in spurts. Lots of wand/sword deals the past couple weeks. Akashic records of whatever is going on in the culture, I guess. Or some Jungian thing.

That, and it was pointed out that one kid will figure out a trick and a bunch others imitate it. Which make sense to me as a graphic designer. Designers are all a bunch of lemmings that way, me included.

It was tricky getting in to Crown Center today because of something called Jiggle Jam. I don't know what it was, a festival of some sort, but it wasn't free so we didn't go in. And it appeared, at a glance, to be for little-little kids.

Oh, and I came up with another logo possibility for the band name I can't seem to get all three band-mates to go for at the same time.

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