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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Things Are Going to Start Happening to Me Now

I've tried a couple of times to blog about my life of crime, unsuccessfully. Including tonight. I started to write it, but my emotions get the better of me and it ends up being tedious.

Suffice it to say, I have a pet peeve about assheads who think their time is more important than mine, specifically when they pass in a no-passing zone and insist on merging at the last second. There might be more offensive maneuvers but I don't know what they'd be.

So Monday, I read an article in the Kansas City Scar about a lawyer who was ticketed for doing just that. And instead of paying his fine and going on with life, he fought it, successfully, and is now attempting a class action lawsuit on behalf of drivers who have no class.

It moved me to write a letter to the editor. I never do this, by the way.

And they printed my letter, such as it is. I spotted a txpo in it and cringed. The problem was the 150 word limit. You know me, I can scarcely order coffee in under 150 words. So to express my sentiments about something so heartfelt it once led to criminal charges against me, well...

I kept editing, and checking the word count, and at some point the structure of a sentence changed such that an 'are' should have been an 'is.' Crap.

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