Epoxying up Mr. Creosote. First, I wanted to secure the centering rings so they'd stay with the motor/stuffer tube when inserted in the body tube. To that end, I used some CA glue with baking powder.

Then I epoxied the thrust ring in the tube, then knotted/epoxied the 400 lb Kevlar shock chord around the stuffer tube between a carbon fiber centering ring and a carbon fiber 'cap ring' (centering tube for a smaller, BT-60 outer tube).

When I slathered up the fin tabs with epoxy and inserted them in the body tube slots, I noticed I'd gotten carried away at making sure they were long enough to reach the motor tube. The result is a gap, maybe 1/16", between the bottom of the fin and the wall of the rocket. Which will either be bridged with fiberglass in the next step or it won't (if I decide against fiberglass reinforcements for Mr. Creosote II's fins).

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