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Monday, September 26, 2005

The Public 'Trust'

Mmmkay, this should be a simple lesson in why Lobsters distrust government:

The head of the SEC is voluntarily recusing himself from investigating Bill Frist. This is what passes for 'honesty' in D.C. Why would he recuse himself? Because they're pals, former coworkers (Chris Cox disserved in Congress with Frist) and, oh yeah, Cox is even a campaign contributor of Frist's.

Here's the outrageous part: it's a voluntary recusal. The good old SEC, charged with protecting the integrity of American Finance does not have a provision making Chris Cox automatically disqualified from investigating his friend, colleague and crony.

But they don't want an appearance of conflict of interest. Appearance, that's all that counts. Right?

Ask the shareholders in Enron, Arthur Anderson, etc. Personally, being a member of Congress should disqualify anyone from serving in a government oversight position. Senatorial Courtesy, after all, gave us Justice Black, a former KKK member as an un-debated Supreme Court apointment.

So Chris Cox gets to pretend honesty, and either way whatever crimes Frist has committed are unlikely to go unrewarded. Because what's at question? A 'blind trust.' You hear about these, right? With relation to, for instance, a Vice President who's former employer gets a no-bid contract to rebuild a whole country we just blew up?

Note: I do not for a minute beleive that Depublicans are more honest, Republocrats just happen to be in power.

Bill Frist's 'blind trust' apparently made some awfully convenient trades. But it can't be Bill's fault, right? He put his assets in a blind trust. But then, public disclosure/transparency rules require that everyone in America can know his business.

Bill Frist is in America, therefore can find out what he owns, doesn't own, might like to buy. As a member of the public, I might trust him more if he was really blind.


Fancy Dirt said...

Bill Frist came out to one of the Habitat Builds, last year. My husband tries not to allow public figures to use them for photo-ops, unless they actually work on a house, get sun burned and drip with sweat.
He hates the "pull up in the limo, grab a hammer, smile for the camera next to something that has the word Habitat on it, camera click, jump back in the limo, drive off" photo ops.
So we have a picture of my husband and Mr.Frist, who stayed worked on a house, got sun burned, and is sweating like a heat stroke is his next order of business.
Maybe it's the Democrat in me, but I like that picture.

Fancy Dirt said...

I forgot to say that your last two paragraphs are very close to what I keep telling the television set every time the "blind my ass!" story comes on.