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Saturday, September 03, 2005

If You Die, We Split Your Gear

It's over ten years ago I did this. I'd do it again, but I have to shed a few pounds. And find a skydiving school that's still open.

The class, it started with a 100 item sign off on liability waivers. With a film of a lawyer telling us that skydiving ways risky business and there was no way around it. You might die, be maimed, etc., and you're on your own. You knowingly did something that is inherently dangerous.

The lawyer in the film, he then jumps from a plane, briefcase in hand.

I used to see and hear ads from skydiving schools that said skydiving was 'safe, fun and easy to learn.' Two thirds of that claim is valid, but safe? Fuck you, safe. Anyone who says skydiving is safe, run away like they're about to catapult a wooden rabbit at you.

Fun? The best. The birth of your children, that's an easy out, but someone else (if you're a guy) endures the pain and risk. And it's great, when you board an airplane to know your take-offs outnumber your landings. If you spot a nervous passenger, ths fact can take on extra dimension...

The headline of this blog, I read it on the back of a skydivig club's t-shirt. Sums it up for me on so many levels...

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