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Monday, August 29, 2011

Bonito Bakery

Our favorite restaurant and grocery store has expanded across the street to a new bakery.  Legal or otherwise, anytime you hear people complaining about Mexicans coming to America to skim benefits or whatever, I see these Mexicans at all hours of the day and night.  Conservatively, I'd say the owners put in 14 hour days on average.

To top it off, they're doing it in retail space born-here Americans gave up on a decade or three ago, and they are making big-league improvements to the property.  Don't kid yourself, this country was built on immigration, legal and not so legal (I doubt my Irish ancestors asked permission to jump from Canada, where they were probably shipped).  If anyone is going to build the wealth to make the full faith and credit of Uncle Sam better than a Dumb and Dumber IOU it's probably someone with a Mexican accent.

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