I know it's the 26th, but this is when we were able to get together with my Dad's wing of the fam for Christmas.

And what a white Christmas it's been. I loved watching my nephew and his Mom making a snow fort out the front window while big fluffy flakes of extra snow came down.

Mo got a camera, maybe she'll quit trying to steal mine. Em got an mp3 player, and is as I write trying to figure out how to load it up with tunes.

We ate too much. And I got to play with a Wii, my first time at that. I actually made my arm sore between the bowling and the tennis.

I got pretty good at the bowling, rolled a 192, about 90 points better than I've ever done in real life. Tennis, though, I couldn't get that. I finally just started rapidly swinging back and forth because I had a higher percentage of successful volleys that way.

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