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Sunday, March 02, 2008

I'm Gonna Shoot That Guy...Let's Have Some Pie

I uttered this line at the Pie Party last night, it's inseparable in my mind from eating pie. More so even than any David Lynch reference, it's a mnemonically linked in my psyche.

'Jake Johanson!' said another guest in response. I was floored, because that is the place the line came from. This was in an HBO special (I think, some sort of standup concert on video anyway) from back in the late 1980s. I was still living in my Mom's house when I saw it.

He's riffing on road rage and says (I might not be verbatim, but close) "If you're so angry you're ready to kill people, you need to pull over and have a snack." The rhyming line that runs as the title of this post was his idea for a public service announcement to reduce highway violence.

Works for me. Maybe if I'd had more pie in my diet, I wouldn't have been charged with disorderly conduct back in October (but that's a story for another post).

My friend who hosts this party is B'Hai, and it was a party to observe a B'Hai holiday, Ayyam-i-Ha. I'm not even vaguely informed as to what the significance of this day is to the B'Hais. Something about hospitality.

As I've explained to my friend, I don't really trust a religion that insists on teetotalling. I know the B'Hais are not known for violence, but a life devoid of beer would be reason enough for some people to fill their car trunk with dynamite and smash it into an embassy. Me, for instance.


Anonymous said...

As a slight correction, it's spelled "Baha'i" or even better "Bahá'í" if the accents work.

As for the beer, well alcohol ruined my parent's family life. YMMV.

Derien RulesTheNet said...

I have the same link with this phrase, and was just writing about pie on my LiveJournal and googled the phrase to check on who it was. :)

Brian of Nazareth said...

Ok, I just woke up this morning from a dream where I was saying this pie rhyme to someone. I have not heard this uttered nor thought about it since I saw it on that previously mentioned Jake Johannsen special back in the late 80's. See, this is why I can't remember necessary stuff like where I put my car keys. Instead, I've got useless (but still humorous) shit like this cluttering up my brain that only decides to leak out in random dreams!