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Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Lighter Side of Alcoholism

Okay, I don't usually post YouTube crap,* but this warrants an exception.

The exception is because I have a story to add. I grew up hearing the tale of how my Mom laughed until she cried the first time she saw Foster Brooks on TV. It was a Tonight Show thing I can't seem to find on the 'net, and Foster was supposed to give Johnny an award. She thought he was actually drunk and even felt sorry for him when he broke the award.

Mom's not really the belly-laugh type, but he got to her. And to everyone, I think, who's seen him.

Foster also became the handle the artist formerly known as Frau Lobster used when she thought my judgment was degraded. As in:

Me (reaching for the bottle of Gilbey's in the freezer to pour over another pair of bleu cheese stuffed olives): I think the Marrou-Lord ticket would win if people would vote their consciences.
Ex: Whatever, Foster.

With humor when we still liked each other, with malice in later years. Not that she was uniformly wrong in this.

Still, watching this, I laugh until I cry like Dean Martin does.

*I have to credit Percy Trout for blogging this. He usually doesn't put YouTube crap up either, he usually confines himself to classic pulp and the occasional illustration. If you haven't checked out his blog, by the way, you gotta.

1 comment:

Kenn Minter said...

Thanks for the link.
