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Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Grilled chicken, does that even warrant a recipe? Light the fire, wait for it to simmer down, throw the chicken on, flip it after a bit, take the chicken in and eat.

The Hollandaise sauce was nearly as simple because I cheated and used a packet of McCormick's. Then I read in Joy of Cooking and saw it might have been just as easy to make the real thing.

Oh well, still got Em to try upwards of 1/16 of a Brussels sprout. The sauce improved it, from what I gathered, to nearly non-toxic. I think she liked Hollandaise, she's just too cool (read eleven) to admit it to her Dad.

Mo ignored her veggies for the most part, and the pasta. But she ate two full chicken breasts and then scarfed down her sister's leftover in an astonishing protein grab even for her.

I'd been counting on that fourth breast for my lunch today.

I grilled boogers the other day, too. And made some more 'Asian' slaw. I just can't stand to heat up the kitchen. It was all I could bring myself to do to boil water for pasta.

I live in the wrong part of the world. I should live someplace like Portland, Oregon, maybe Seattle. Someplace with moderate summers and winters. Maybe when my honyocks are grown I'll head out West.

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