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Friday, October 14, 2011

The New Normal

So I spotted this car on the way to work. I was ahead of schedule enough to stop and take a few shots.

Someone in the coffee shop tipped the owner off that someone was checking out his ride and he emerged offering to take my picture by it, in it, whatever I wanted. He all but offered to let me take it for a spin.

"What is it?" I asked.

"What are you?" he asked. "I see you come by here every morning and I wonder what is up with that helmet and all these lights and whatnot."

The car was a Morris Minor, a '63, so I guess part of the British Invasion in a way.

He asked me how far I ride. Really, he asked all the usual questions, and I gave the usual answers.

As in:
Q:Why the mohawk?

A:It doesn't matter if drivers are happy to see me, so long as they do see me.

He also observed that it was dangerous, riding a bike to work. And I said, as usual, that sitting around waiting to have a heart attack is risky too.

Then he said, "You are normal!"

This was delivered as if he were the arbiter of this designation. I was afraid I was a freak, but some dude tooling around in a '63 British economy car says I fit right in... I'm pretty sure he meant it as a compliment, but I think it's the first time I've been accused of this. Ever.

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