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Friday, June 12, 2009


This was Rotary Night and my Dad, a Rotarian, was buying.

We dined on hot dogs and chips, excellent, and then went to appreciate the Africa exhibit. Ended up closing the place.

We also celebrated my sister-in-law's birthday.

Mo was all about labeling things. She'd gesture and then shout, 'Giraffes!' Or when she didn't know what something was, she'd just gesture at it. I read the plaque and said, 'That's a Bongo,' and she shouted 'Bongo!' Only down side to this was the Bongos are in a section posted 'QUIET AREA.'

We didn't prep her very well for this expedition, and the girl craves routine. So when Grandpa picked her up instead of me and then she was at the Zoo with a bunch of family, she wasn't necessarily unhappy, but I think she was anxious.

I think the big turtle was dead. Not sure, but I watched him a long time, and besides having all his limbs splayed, he didn't move the whole time I was watching. Maybe he was just taking a nap, but I would have thought a turtle would sleep more inside its shell or something.

When I showed up, she gave me a big hug and then basically hung on me more than not the whole time we were at the Zoo. It was a muggy evening, but she insisted on draping a sweaty arm over my neck every chance she got.

Well, that and she kept trying to run her hand along the rail of the fences, which are cracked and obviously splintery. Oh, and licking things (railings, trees, benches). Gross.

Em paired up wither her favorite cousin and had a blast.

There's a special kind of tired you can only get by working all day and then racing off to spend three hours at the zoo with your kids. It's not a bad tired, but it's an extreme one. Maybe that giant turtle was just worn out by his kids.

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