She had locks until about age three, when the preschool taught her to use scissors. When it gets to bothering her, she starts scoping out for the (conscientously locked away) shears. If we don't lock them up, she's also known to cut the clothes on her to ribbons in pursuit of an itchy tag.

So I knew when her hair got longer that I needed to get it cut before she took the crafts supplies into her own hands.

But, too late, she got a hold of pinking shears and the rest is another beautician who doesn't initially get why I suggest something in a Liza Minelli type thing.

Actually, Liza's bangs would bug the shit out of Mo. But I think most stylists would evict me from the shop entirely if I said 'Annie Lennox.'
Or Susan Powter. Almost all the girls' Barbies are Susan Powter dolls as soon as Mo gets hold of them and finds those locked up scissors. She's trying to liberate Barbie from that irritating hair on the neck and face I'm sure.

But Mo loves nothing if she doesn't love her reflection, and the hair shop is one place with plenty of shiny, reflective surfaces. It's sometimes a trick to keep her from grabbig the second pair of scissors to help out, but she has fun with the whole deal.
1 comment:
At least she stays cool in the summer.
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