I saw Jim Hall and Geoffrey Keezer last Saturday. I was going to blog it, but there was a ban on pics, and then I talked to the approved Folly Theater photographer but he didn't come through with a pic.
And then it was several days ago before I knew it.
How do you seperate the men from the boys? Mid-term elections.
I'm not sure which is more baffling: that North Korea can build the Bomb when they can't manage a good pot-luck dinner, or the fact the the Republicans have a 54-year-old politician who can text message.
Do you know what I wanted for my birthday? I didn't.
My Dad was going to pop for new specs for me. I have glasses, but they're the backups. I broke my rimless ones (which weigh 14 metric tons less than what I'm wearing), and the optometrist invented a theory of discontinued models and defunct brands and said I'd have to start over with a new set of frames, lenses, etc.
But I'm busy, and I kept forgetting to go by and pick out frames and whatnot.
So then my car started rattling. Alarmingly.
I couldn't afford to take it to a garage, so I started trying to figure it out as a DIY project.
I'd convinced myself it was the power steering pump, even had O'Reilly order the part, and then my Dad thought it was the alternator. My father in law thought it was hard to figure. He has a car with the same engine he replaced $400 worth of stuff on before he found the problem.
The harmonic balancer.
Which, it turns out, was what was wrong with my car. Who knew I wanted a Harmonic Balancer for my birthday??
When's your birthday?
My birthday was last month, I just hadn't gotten around to getting new owlies. I miss my light, rimless specs, but the car is a bigger deal. Commercially, it's worth less than Enron stock options, but since it's the only way I have to get about, it's valuable to me...
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